Sunday, March 20, 2011

Don't miss it next meeting is Friday 9am

I hope you got your peas planted
we will cover all the other seeds you can plant right now
Plants need protection if you want to put them in now....too much cold and wind.  

What I'm covering this meeting:

Feeding plants start to finish
  How compost works
What to feed and what NOT to feed
cooking with Chard

When you arrive I'll be cooking Chard,
see those pink, white, orange and yellow stems above?
When you arrive put your questions
on paper found in my basket
and join us in the kitchen
.  If I can't answer your question during our meeting I'll answer here on the blog. 

See you then.....Friday at 9 am...(who's idea was this?  yikes)

PS  I have the onions, they arrived early, pick them up any time.
I'll bring them Friday also

If you don't remember if you ordered onions just give me a call. 


Jessica said...

I plan on being there, Fonnell. I will have to leave a little before 10am to get to a Visiting Teaching appt. I think I ordered onions, right?

Fonnell/Grammie/mom said...

Yes you ordered a couple of squares I believe. See ya then.