Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Last week for seed orders!

Soon we will plant early peas and lettuce and broccoli and choys oh and on and on.  I'd like to get our seed order off so make it your goal to place an order by January 30th.

Any questions?  Give me a call or put a comment on the blog

Happy seed ordering

Here is a list of  ideas.  We will order varieties by what grows best however if you have a desire please put the variety name down.   We live in a lot of micro-climates and not a true maritime climate so what you can grow I may not be able to.  Below is a list of ideas with the easiest for me to grow to the hardest.

  Please note we don't get any savings by making a large order.  We are trying to help those of you who have smaller gardens.  It will save you money to share a package of seed with others and only pay for the seed you use and not the whole package. 

Grows well for me. I am on the east side of a hill and colder 

Lettuce what do you like?
Kale what kind do you like?
Choys ( pac choi, Asian cabbage, mustard etc)
green beans  pole/bush
peas  what types?
onion  what types?


Harder to grow for me (might want to start with plants

potato do you have favorite or would you like a mix
winter squash (pumpkin, Hubbard etc)
Summer squash  ( zucchini, patty pan etc)
Cherry tomato
cucumber is this for salad or pickles?

Can not seem to get ripe produce (might have to really pull every trick out of the bag!)

egg plant

I have never grown artichokes but it sounds fun if you have the space!

When you order just tell me

I need one square of carrots
I need 1/2 square of leeks
I need three squares of beets two kinds
I need one potato can mixed variety

If you will plant lettuce in the spring and late summer order that square twice-I need two squares of lettuce one for fall....If you tell me you plan to use one square for fall I will order the cold hearty seed.

The seed will be a mix of heirloom and hybrid.  We really do need some hybrid for our weather concerns.  If you want to learn seed saving you need to use heirloom or open pollinated seed for saving. 

If you are new to square foot gardening please read some of our old postings and look at our garden photos.

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